“And because you are sons, God has set forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts crying out, “Abba,Father!”. Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, than an heir of God through Christ.” Galatians 4:6-7
Whoa. Read that again and allow it to sink in and become food for you. God’s Spirit is living in you. Themost powerful living being in existence has made your heart His dwelling place. Incredible! It’s thecheckmate to every fear, worry, disappointment, and hurt that you’ve experienced. The Spirit of JesusChrist, the same Spirit that raised Him from the dead and set the early church on fire, is burning now inyou…in each of us! Since this is a fact, how in the world can we ever view life, work, parenting, andchurch the same? Why would we settle for anything less than the adventure of the kingdom mission?Why are we constantly lowering the bar of what it means to be a Christian? Why be merely consumers,when we’ve been given the opportunity to be so much more?
The baptism of the Holy Spirit came with both power and ability for us to live a more victorious life inJesus Christ. Here are some thoughts on what this can mean for you…
1. Let go of your hurts. The consequence of having the Holy Spirit living in you is there will befruit. But, the fruits of offense and bitterness are not of God’s Spirit. Once you’ve recognizedthat fruit, take it off the vine and throw it away. You have what you need. Now, raise the bar.
2. You have what it takes to finish. Don’t step back from what you believe God has called you todo because of disappointment. Stop allowing people to talk you out of your convictions. Withthe Holy Spirit living in you, you have what it takes to finish the job. Raise the bar.
3. Put aside your strategies. Things don’t always work out the way we think they will. Stopstressing out. Give your cares to God and trust Him! Raise the bar.
4. Stop being a consumer. You’re equipped for mission, adventure, and battle! Share the gospel.Lead your family and pray with them. Repent of apathy, offenses, and anything else God revealsin your heart, that is rooted in selfishness. Serve with a grateful heart. Raise the bar.
Let it sink in…You have God’s living, active, and powerful Spirit living in you. Let us raise the bar again ofwhat it means to be a Christian!