  • How's Your Heart?

    This one little verse has me thinking alot lately: "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty." (Jer. 15:16) This is quite the statement to make.  The prophet Jeremiah was so ready to hear from God, that when he received His Words, he took it like a hungry man would take...
  • The Convenient Jesus

    The American culture boasts in its convenience.  Everything is better when done more simply and less time consuming.  We've become the impatient nation.  We like our fast food.  We use the self-checkout lanes in grocery stores.  Pay extra for overnight shipping.  We want fast answers to complex issues such as the...
  • But then enters Jesus...

    Where people are at their lowest, and where hope is most dismal, in the margins, you will always find Jesus.  Jesus wasn't found eating at the finest restaurants, with the most influential people of his day. He was found willingly touching lepers, eating with messed up people, and breaking all sorts of religious rules. That's our Jesus. He...
  • Shame off you

    Shame comes in many different colors. It’s a silent killer with the capability of even justifying its own existence. It creeps into how we see ourselves, our relationships, marriage, parenting, work life, etc. The terrible thing about shame is that it seems so right. It seems reasonable to doubt our abilities, to be cautious, to kick...
  • Jesus + "something else"

    To be complete in Christ, as Paul puts it in Colossians 2:9-10, encompasses every single facet of our life. The blessings of Jesus should be changing us not only in the most difficult of moments, but maybe even more so in the little moments of life. The little moments tell us a lot about where our hearts really are. The little moments reveal the...
  • Do you recognize Me?

    “So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him.” Luke 24:15-16 Cleopas and his companion were lost and directionless on their way back home. The events that occurred on that long and violent Friday left them wounded, confused...
  • Keep Your Heart

    “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23 We must be watchful, vigilant and ready to fight for our hearts. The heart is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible, over 200 times the heart is referred to things that motivate, mold, and impact our life. To put it simply, the heart is a...