Plan Your Visit

Plan Your Visit

    We currently have one Sunday service at 10:00 AM.

    Children remain in service with their families. 

    When families worship together, children receive a critical, inter-generational experience. As part of the church community, they gain countless opportunities for influence by the examples of their parents and the congregation. Through inter-generational services, we aim to intentionally build into our children’s most formative years by modeling for them what it means to worship and hunger for God as a church family.


    The nursery is open and staffed for infants through age 4. Our Cry Room is open for 2 mothers at a time.


    resize welcome

    • Our greeters are ready to welcome you and point you in whatever direction you desire! Sanctuary? Restrooms? Information Center?
    • Parents, please keep your children with you. We strongly believe the family is God's vision for raising children in relationship with Jesus and His church. On Sundays, families stay together for the entire service! Here kids participate in what it means to worship God and hear His word. They watch mom and dad and other adults model sincere faith and expression. It's also where they build connection with other families in the church to help grow in maturity.

    If this is new to you, we promise 2 things:

             1. We offer children's classes on Wednesday Nights and enjoy many other times of kid adventure fun throughout the year!

             2. We ENJOY having kids in the service! They are not a hindrance to the service...They make it better!

    PCTOTS  PCTots (Nursery) is available for birth-4years.

    cry room A cry room is also open to mothers with infants. 

    A greeter will be happy to show you the way to all of our children and family areas!



    Church Office Hours

    Mon: CLOSED

    Tue: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Wed: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

    Thur: CLOSED

    Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM